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Even the power is set to M, the radio will be hot on about 5 minutes of transmission, so if you plan to use it as a cross band repeater, you have to put a fan on the radio! Is easy to use regular headphone, for one ear, to monitor when walking. I often monitor the Airband and the radio is good on this. This can improve the IMD figure when the radio is use with a mobile external antenna. Good place for external PTT Microphone/Speaker.įront end attenuator. Also very easy to replace broken connector. Is very easy to connect a external antenna for mobile use. On both receiving and transmitting!īNC connector fo r ant enna. The functions are very easy accesed from F+Key. So, a 9,6V EBP-36N will last about a week on a moderate receiving operation. The radio have a extended range of operating voltage.


Also is full duplex capable!īattery life.

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Can work as one way repeater or two way cross repeater. This radio performs a cross band repeater and it does well! This is usefull when in mobile operations, and emergency communications when a external antenna will be a plus! And a nice feature is that you can monitor the communications directly in the radio's speaker. The back-case is real-metal.Ĭross band repeater. When you keep it in your hand, it feels very solid. Add to this the two VFO's per receiver and you have a lot of possibilities!įeeling. Is a real dual bander! This means that you can listen simultaneous on two different frequencies! The possible combinations are: V/U (reccomended), V/V, U/V, U/U. Again, like with my FT-857D, this radio is back in my shack after passing a few fellow hams.įirst, I have to say that the original stock antenna is one of the worst I have ever seen! But with a real dual band antenna, the things are changing! I used a Diamond RH771S and now I use a Kathrein K7151219 GainFlex antenna. I have owned the radio for more than 3 years and I sold it. Something like an open dipole for a good omnidirectional coverage.

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I plan to use a dedicated radio I have around, Icom IC2100H with a dedicated antenna. The radio is Kenwood TS2000X, Rigexpert+IBM Thinkad T43. Output power: 50W, antenna heigh is around 45m, so I will expect a good coverage of 80km around. Max key down: 210 sec, for both TX and RX to and from Internet. I intend to keep this node operational as long as I can.įrq: 145.300mhz, CTCSS 103,5, node number:43750 I plan to find a UHF Motorola radio to make it work under YO3HJV-L callsign, but I think this will be next year as will be a entirely private investment. Now I started the VHF node, but the one designated for UHF, in 144.300 Mhz. It's a pitty because we have had a "vanity" node number, 144.900 which was the frequency on which we run the VHF node. That node was running for more than 3 years with the help of 2 friends, YO3FUU and YO3HCV. There was no more echolink node for Bucharest in he past year due to some malfunction in the yo3hcv-l we experienced. This week-end I started again the Echolink 2m node. Meantime, I found a Motorola GM900 radio for the UHF echolink node!!! I hope I'll find some time to setup the UHF node here in Bucharest! Hei, asta poate fi un motiv de temere caci acea adresa este posibilsa inceapa sa fie sufocata de spam, dar, what the hell, eu am deja o adresa de email facuta special pentru inregistrari pe site-uri! Si nu sufera prea mult!ĭue to the timless life I have, I was unable to run on a permanent basis this Echolink node.įortunately, it is another one here, full time available, YO3KYD which cover the city of Bucharest!

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Site-ul necesita o inregistrare cu o adresa valida de e-mail. Sunt curios sa vad cum va evolua pe viitor! Era timpul sa apara ceva axat pe continut si nu pe aspect, iar baietii (sau fetele) care au pus asta pe picioare imi dovedesc ca stiu cam ce se poate scoate de la un simplu motor de forum! Ideea de la care porneste este buna, in romania existand destul de putine site-uri cu acest profil iar cele care exista deja sunt usor infantile sau prea batranicioase, in opinia mea. Practic, este un forum bine structurat, asezonat cu o galerie de imagini care, prevad, se va dezvolta in lunile care urmeaza. |Tot scobind prin maruntaiele internetului dupa niste documentatii referitoare la hobby-ul meu, radioamatorismul si statiile de emisie receptie, am dat peste un site tare misto si cu niste perspective de dezvoltare net superioare! Este vorba de Site, e cam prea mult spus.

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